Complete Medical Checkup. Health Assessment
- Healthcare(Complete Medical Checkup. Health Assessment)
- Complete Medical Checkup. Health Assessment
- Make your decision based on specialist doctors’ opinion rather than public rumors!
Make your decision based on specialist doctors’ opinion rather than public rumors!
From Face to Face meeting with a renowned doctor to referrals to the top medical institutions in Japan
About TeamNET
TeamNET was established as an NPO in 2004, following the activities of a study group for doctors that began in 2002. A group of doctors who sharing the philosophy of providing optimal patient-centered medical care across various medical institutions has been working together for about 20 years. The Chairman, Dr. Asonuma, has been involved in the medical business focused on electronic medical records for 28 years at a major company, and has built a network of over 90 trusted doctors, which he continues to update.
Introduction of TeamNET doctors and medical institutions
TeamNET is made up of many famous doctors affiliated with university hospitals and specialized hospitals. Among them, Dr. Asonuma will assist a patient with appointments with a specialist doctor according to symptom of the patient, or doctors in the network will assist a patient with appointments with other specialist doctors according to symptom of the patient. In addition, after meeting with a doctor of TeamNET, the doctor may arrange appointment to ensure a smooth visit to a medical institution if necessary.
Example of consultation involving TeamNET
A case of having been achieved result in surgery that was repeatedly refused ~ Stomach cancer
A patient with stomach cancer was told that surgery was not possible in Vietnam or Singapore, and that the only option was chemotherapy, but both the patient and his family wanted surgery if possible. Therefore, TeamNET arranged an interview with a world-renowned esophageal and gastric surgeon. In fact, the patient was able to undergo surgery and was able to return home in good health, which made the patient very happy. After that, the patient sent a letter thanking the treating doctor for listening carefully to and giving detailed explanations to the patient.
Case of surgery that was performed in Japan despite it was said to be impossible Bile duct cancer
It is said that surgery for bile duct cancer is extremely difficult and the prognosis is not very good. A patient was also told that surgery was not possible in China or Singapore, but the patient desired surgery and contacted TeamNET. According to the specialist’s opinion, surgery was not possible in the current state, but if the tumor was shrunk with appropriate anti-cancer treatment before surgery, surgery would be possible. After coming to Japan. firstly, the patient was treated with anti-cancer drugs, and the cancer gradually shrunk, leading to surgery.
A case in which a suspicion of breast cancer was ruled out after a medical examination Suspicion of breast
An elderly patient was diagnosed with breast cancer in her home country and was told that she needed surgery. Following consultation with TeamNET, a pathologist and a breast surgeon suspected that this case might not be cancer after checking the images sent by the patient. When she came to Japan and underwent another test, it was determined that the case was not cancer. Once diagnosed with cancer, there are many cases in which the patient’s concerns remain unresolved even if the diagnosis is later reversed, and the doctor’s careful explanation with informed consent was enough to convince the patient. She has been doing well for many years without any symptoms, but the she wishes to have follow-up examinations in Japan and visits Japan once a year.
A case in which surgery was found not to be necessary Suspected spinal curvature in children
A pediatric patient was diagnosed at a prestigious hospital in his home country with a curved spine that required immediate surgery, and then was scheduled for surgery. A Japanese acquaintance suggested the parents to obtain a second opinion from Japanese specialist, and the parents contacted TeamNET. When the pediatric patient came to Japan with the parents and underwent imaging tests such as X-rays at a university hospital, it was determined that there was no problem at all. The reason for the misdiagnosis is that the child may have moved during the test, which is a common occurrence in children. When the doctor in Japan told the parents that the child was okay, the parents were in tears with joy.
Application to TeamNET
In this service, based on the medical information provided by a patient, a doctor who can respond to the symptoms for which consultation was requested is selected from a team made up of doctors from university hospitals and specialized hospitals to provide medical consultation. After medical consultation, TeamNET can introduce the patient to a medical institution upon request.
Please contact EAJ by email or phone. A patient is requested to submit his/her medical information and other required documents. (Translation is not required if medical information is in Chinese or English)
②Response on the advisability
The selected specialists will decide whether or not they can respond.
③Providing medical consultation
Medical consultations can be conducted in the patient’s preferred style, such as face-to-face, online, or in writing. After the medical consultation, EAJ will provide the patient with a translated consultation report. Services include medical information translation, consultation interpretation, and translated consultation report. Please contact EAJ for prices.
List of nominated medical institutions to which TeamNET can refer

Medical consultation does not include prescribing medications, examination, or treatment.